Unit 2 No. 9 Seven Hills Road BAULKHAM HILLS  NSW  2153 Australia
         Tel :02 9686 2325  International: +612 9686 2325 
 Email: sales@lynsfineneedlework.com.au




#160    "Beach Cottage" Sampler

 Dreams are made of Sand and Sun...!  Welcome to our little yellow cottage by the sea! This beautiful beach retreat is the perfect place to dream about. Surrounded by a bountiful garden full of flowers, grasses, roses and a white picket fence, this is truly your ideal beach getaway. You will stitch and imagine yourself tanning on a chaise lounge, or sitting under the shade of the beach umbrella sipping a tall cool glass of something delicious, while the resident cat purrs by the front door. The linen used was an overdyed aqua linen which is now discontinued. I recommend “Ice Blue” Cashel but you can use a light blue linen of your choice.. the blue preferably aqua toned. Lyns has several available, so enjoy choosing your own favorite linen to bring this project to life! This is a perfect design to hang in your home or cottage while you dream of sand and sunshine! - Thea

"Beach Cottage" Sampler
Design area: 89w x 85h (6.4”w x 5.7”h)
         Model: 28ct Ice Blue Linen Cashel  Cut fabric: 12.5”w x 12”h for finishing

#160P MAIN Accessory Pack (enough to stitch this long sampler)

Gloriana silk #019 “Tropical Seas” - multi turquoise 
Gloriana silk #096 “Summer Foliage” - greens lt 
Dinky Dyes silk #022 “Sapphire” - purples 
Dinky Dyes silk #103 “Bougainvillea” - pinks 
Kreinik Mori #0923 - yellow lt 
Kreinik Mori #7014 - tan

Dinky Dyes silk #059 “Warratah” - reds  
Dinky Dyes silk #069 “Swan Valley” - greens med
Kreinik Mori #2014 - yellow med 
Needlepoint Inc. #481 - turquoise lt 
Needlepoint Inc. #964 - grey brown

Gloriana silk #040 “Highland Meadow” - multi 
Dinky Dyes silk #067 “Jacob’s Ladder” - blues 
Kreinik Mori #4044 - turquoise med 
Needlepoint Inc. #126 - brick red 
Needlepoint Inc. #203 - flesh  

SJ Designs 2mm pearl beads - white 
Mill Hill seed bead #0557 - gold 
Specialty charm - Star Fish - silver

#160WBFP Black and White Accessory Pack (Enough Black and White silk Floss to stitch this design) 

 Extra Materials Needed

  • Needles #10 short beading and Tapestry Needles #24

 Stitches Used in this Sampler:

Cross Stitch 
Petit Cross Stitch   
tacking stitches - (couching)
French Knots
Lazy Daisy Stitches
Satin Stitches

Sorting The Threads in your Accessory Pack: Remember to sort in daylight near a window, not under artificial light indoors, as the colours change with the colour of the lightbulbs we use. Each floss has a different number of strands in each thread length. This helps you differentiate the different colours in your pack. Needlepoint Inc. silk floss has 8 strands per length The Kreinik Mori has 6 strands per length The Gloriana Overdyed Silk has 12 thin strands per length. Dinky Dyes has 6 strands per length. FYI: We noticed that some colours have been divided into two lengths. This can happen if a colour requires 1.5 yards. Our kitmaker might include one 1 yard length and one 0.5 yard length, so don't get confused if one colour has more than one length of thread. We hope this extra information will help you sort your threads more easily!

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ABN: 39 094 268 130
unit 2 - No.9 Seven Hills Rd..

Baulkham Hills   NSW  2153 Australia
Phone/ fax (02) 9686 2325   International +612 9686 2325
Email:: lynsneedlework@aol.com

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(c)  Lyns Fine Needlework 2010